Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Even more water!

While our goal is to aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day, it’s important to note that in some situations we need to up the hydration ante!


If you’re one to sweat during exercise, it’s important to replete those water loses with what else-- WATER! Try drinking 1-2 cups of water after a moderate exercise. If you plan on exercising for an hour or more you need even more water. The more you sweat the more water you need!


In these hot, humid, summer months, hydration is even more important! We tend to sweat more in warmer climates and we need to replete those loses by drinking even more. Pay attention to your body and the weather. If it’s a particular hot day, try to drink every hour.


When you feel the sensation of thirst, you are most likely already 2% dehydrated!

The effects of being 2% dehydrated include mental fogginess, fatigue and possible dizziness.

-from MSK Employee Wellness